“Promise For Better Tomorrow” is the vision with which MRTI was established on 2014 on the eve of the new millennium. Being the best Academic Institution in India, MRTI has been serving the needs of Pharmaceutical Marketing Industry with complete allegiance.
The institution is promoted by a Sandin Education PVT. LTD. Organization registered under Indian companies Registration Act, 2013 and the company is limited MRTI was started with a mission to provide the most advantageous intellectual capital as Medical Representative to the Pharmaceutical & Health Care Industry. And now the institute is starting with Management Courses that are designed to develop Managers for the future. The Programme provides the student executives a platform to imbibe procedural, theoretical and functional aspects of Management. We recognize that only India has the aptitude to endow competent manpower, both within India and globally. We at MRTI firmly believe that our laurels are earned with consistent and constructive up gradation of quality and ever-mounting quest for precision.